Endowed Chair

  The College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) at the University of Minnesota recognizes that individuals both within and outside of the University environment can make meaningful contributions to the activities and scholarship of the institution. The School of Agriculture Endowed Chair in Agricultural Systems, supported by a $2.2 million endowment, is based exactly on that philosophy.

Endowed Chair

The School of Agriculture Endowed Chair in Agricultural Systems represents a unique opportunity for leaders in the academic, business, farming, government, and non-profit sectors of agriculture, rural development, and related fields to contribute to and help shape the future of rural Minnesota.


The University of Minnesota has a POULTRY  listserv. This list is a free service by the U of MN as a way for producers to stay up-to-date on poultry production news, ideas and events. Please feel free to promote the poultry listserv to anyone who may be interested.

If you would like to join a discussion among poultry producers, Extension educators and researchers about methods of poultry production and marketing, this UM-POULTRY Listserv is for you!

Please post information related to:

Forever Green Initiative Group

UMN Forever Green Initiative (FGI) is a College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) research platform with leadership housed in the Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics.

FGI is developing and improving winter-hardy annual and perennial crops and cropping systems that protect soil and water while driving new economic opportunities and for growers, industry, and Minnesota communities across the state.


Aggregation is intended to make engaging with the local food economy easy. Join this group of food hubs and aggregation projects to collaborate, and support each other, to build a more robust and resilient Minnesota food system.

How to subscribe: send an email to [email protected], from the address you want subscribed. Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type SUBSCRIBE FoodAggregation 

National Sustainable Agriculture Oral History Archive

Through a series of video-recorded interviews, this oral history archive documents the development and evolution of public policies to advance sustainable and organic agriculture going back to the 1970s. The women and men whose stories were recorded for this archive are among the key leaders and advocates who played significant roles in devising and promoting the laws and government programs that continue to undergird efforts to achieve a sustainable farming and food system in the United States.

Organic Transition Planner

This publication, referred to as the Planner, is a specialized guide to assist farmers, ranchers and food business owners (new or experienced, small- or large-scale) interested in exploring transition strategies prior to becoming certified organic. 

Making the Transition to Organic

Transitioning to organic production can be exciting and—at the same time—a bit daunting. Farmers often cite concerns about weed management, input supplies, labor requirements, yields, and cash ow when weighing the decision to go organic. That’s why, as part of the Tools for Transition Project, we interviewed ten farmers during 2012–2015 who were either in the process of transition or who had been recently certs ed organic to hear, in their words, about what it’s like to go organic.

Meat Processing Bottlenecks

Small and medium-sized livestock growers in Minnesota are facing limited meat processing access due to plant closures and fully booked processing appointments, along with difficulties hiring and retaining skilled employees. The purpose of this report is to understand and describe the issues small and medium-sized meat processors are facing, and to offer recommendations to increase meat processing resilience.